About S. Elizabeth, writer, reviewer, and general weirdo

The first bio I ever wrote for myself reads thusly: Mlle Ghoul / S. Elizabeth is a frou-frou fantôme and a fancier of fine old things and nostalgic whimsies and magics both macabre and melancholy.  She is a shadow seamstress, word witch, and weaver of the weird.

That’s obnoxious, but I’ll confess, I still kinda love it. Translation: I am a Florida-based writer and blogger, rambling about art, music, fashion, perfume, anxiety, and grief–particularly as these subjects intersect with horror, the supernatural, and death.

My first book, The Art Of The Occult: A Visual Sourcebook For The Modern Mystic, was published in October 2020, the second book, The Art Of Darkness: A Treasury of the Morbid, Melancholic and Macabre was published in 2022, and the third book in my Art in the Margins trilogy, The Art of Fantasy: A visual sourcebook of all that is unreal, was released on September 12, 2023.

Business inquiries? Would you like to interview me? Do you require a media kit? Why do people need media kits, anyway? I have no clue, but I made one, anyway!

Do you have a book or a perfume that you wish to send me for review purposes? Send your emails to [email protected].

Here’s what some people are saying about me!

“S. Elizabeth is one of my favorite curators of the marvelous, bar none. I have been a fan of her writing – and now her wondrous books – for ages, and I know that when I step into her dark, delightful world I will be introduced to new artists, images, and ideas that will sizzle in my brainpan with relish. I am so happy she exists to guide us through shadowy, sparkling realms, and I can’t wait to see what wickedly delicious curiosities she discovers next.”
Pam Grossman, creator of The Witch Wave podcast and author of What Is A Witch.

“S. Elizabeth’s words bring all of her soldier-senses to the station, transporting her readers with synesthetic delight. As at home in the uncanny ether as she is with the earth between her toes, S. Elizabeth’s writing pats a place for you next to the fire and thrusts a suspicious-smelling mug into your hands.”
Megan Rosenbloom, librarian and bestselling author of Dark Archives: A Librarian’s Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human Skin

“The content Sarah Elizabeth creates is like a breeze of fresh a…. I mean, an ominous dark note in the midst of a choking cloud of lilies emanating from the boring pool of normalcy the algorithm tends to feed us. Her digital presence reminds me it is okay to be odd, it’s fine to like odd things, and it’s even better to share them with the world! Her words express my deepest thoughts, and my inner dark child rejoices every time I read or hear them. Sarah is a spell-caster, a word magician extraordinaire, and, unsurprisingly, she’s a damn fine cook as well!”
-Claudia Crobatia, Death Awareness author

“S. Elizabeth is a superb writer whose work will bewitch and delight you as much as it informs. She is an aesthete in the truest sense of the word. Your world will be so much richer from spending some time in hers; it would be criminal of you not to.”
 –Nuri McBride, Atropos Parfums & Consultation

“Whether it’s art, music, fashion, or perfume, Sarah Elizabeth’s curatorial sensibilities are some of my very favorite. I have sometimes wished I could hire her to curate my entire life. Her eye for dark, magical beauty (leavened with a healthy sense of the absurd) never goes amiss, and her writing is always a joy to read.”
Bess Lovejoy, Author of Rest in Pieces: The Curious Fates of Famous Corpses

“Sarah is the coolest person I’ve never met (we had plans to fix that in April 2020). Intelligence, quick wit, beauty, and style for miles are obvious traits to point out, but it’s her deep, seemingly effortless kindness that really gets me. As both a friend and a patron, there have been so many moments that she was there showing up for me. In good times and especially in hard times. I know just a little about the experiences that have shaped her, but I can say that she has done a remarkable job becoming, despite. I’m proud and humbled to call her a friend.”
Flannery Grace Good, jeweler

“As a longtime reader of her wonderful blog Unquiet Things, I was absolutely thrilled to have S. Elizabeth on my podcast to discuss her first book, The Art of the Occult. Taking a deep dive into her wonderful imagination and deliciously demented sense of humor was a dream come true, as was getting to talk shop about her process and just how she manages to be so incredibly prolific. S. Elizabeth is the real deal!”
Allison Felus, host of I’ll Follow You