25 Jul


How To Wear A Jumpsuit“…is never a phrase I thought I’d seriously be typing out for you, but, well, I can be wrong sometimes, and here we are.

Over at Haute Macabre right now you will find several suggestions for wearing this head-to-toe one piece wonder, and some totally realistic situations for which they may be appropriate!
This ensemble in particular I can vouch for; the jumpsuit is from Aakasha, the kimono is very inexpensive on amazon, and I own a bag very similar to this one from Baba Studio.

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10 May


At Haute Macabre today, a new feature: Needful Things!

We had such a blast sharing our year-end favorites with you, that we decided to make a quarterly(ish) thing of it, wherein we chat about the assortment of odds and ends that we currently love and recommend.

This is a series that I am super excited about; I love suggestions and recommendations from like-minded folks, I think that’s so much more useful and valuable than just a random link-dump of stuff that looks pretty but with which the sharer has no experience, you know?

At any rate, Maika and I have the floor today, so be sure to peek at our current Needful Things, and check back for Sam’s and Sonya’s selections later this afternoon!

Pictured above is not one of my Needful Things, exactly…it’s a dress that I was able to shove myself into after donning one of those Needful Things. I got it from eshakti, and I am not sure if it is still in stock, but lordy be–they have so many amazing black dresses!

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Drawn to the fringes of the odd and the mundane, Tom Blunt is a brilliant writer, producer, and performer who was absolutely instrumental in the recent reprinting of the outstanding memoir, Elsa Lanchester, Herself. Head over to Haute Macabre for Tom’s wonderful insights into this striking and unusual Golden Era entertainer and his quest to ensure that so many decades later, she finally finds her people.

Read the interview and be sure to leave a comment at hautemacabre.com for a chance to win a copy of the book as well as some tie-in scents from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab⚡️

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At Haute Macabre today we give a glimpse beyond the veil and share a few secrets regarding the hauntingly beautiful fragrances from Seance Perfumes–as well as the collection’s creator, Lacey Walker.

A few mini reviews as well! Did I finally find a rose to love, and which will love me back? Am I late to the love of creamy white florals? Read more to find out, and avail yourself of a discount code to pick up a few of these otherworldly scents for yourself!

Hauntingly Beautiful Scents At Seance Perfumes (And A Discount Code!) 

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13 Mar


I only learned about the Pirelli Calendar just this year, so I hesitate to refer to it as something along the lines of “a hoary old institution” ….but when researching a small feature for Haute Macabre this week about their current 2018 all-star, all-black cast, I saw several decades worth of white faces and white bodies gracing the publication over previous years. I then realize that the last time the calendar had an all-black ensemble was in 1987. That’s 30+ years ago. Yikes.


Photographer Tim Walker and stylist Edward Enninful (British Vogue’s first black editor in chief) envisioned for 2018 a new and different take on Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Through The Looking Glass, and they have given it a vibrant, powerful new treatment entirely populated by beautiful black models, musicians, and activists  who cavort and contort through the story’s madcap, marvelous world.

See more over at Haute Macabre this week:

Through A Powerful Looking Glass: The 2018 Pirelli Calendar

Bonus: a fabulous video detailing “the making of”!

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This week at Haute Macabre: an extensive interview with Adrienne Rozzi of Poison Apple Printshop, wherein we discuss her art and its inspirations, as well as, her great passion for knowledge and truth. It’s rare when the subject of your interview actually makes *you* feel special and amazing, but Adrienne is one such rare, remarkable soul.

Thank you for your candor and your genuine, generous nature, Adrienne.

Realms Forged Within A Vast Imagination: Adrienne Rozzi Of Poison Apple Print Shop


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Maude N.

This week at Haute Macabre, I interview Maude Nibelungen, a textile artist with a passion for knitting intimacies and exquisite objects of desire, in the form of evocative apparel and accoutrements.

Take a peek for insights on Maude’s inclusive vision, her desire to express her feelings and exorcise her demons through her craft, and the special bond she creates between her knitted intimacies and those who would wear them.

Slipped Stitches & Stitched Slips: Maude Nibelungen’s Evocative, Elegant Knitwear

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2017 was quite a year for all of the Haute Macabre staff writers (and everyone everywhere else, no doubt), and so it took a little while to gather all of our thoughts, untangle them, and make sense out of the resulting mess. This week we’re finally getting around to sharing last year’s favorites–books, apps, art, music, you name it!– as well as, some personal reflections on 2017.

If you peek over there right now, you can see selections from yours truly! Read of my favorite books and lip colors and instagram accounts (cheese related! I’m sure you’re surprised!) and take a guess at the dumb youtube channel I love which I am too embarrassed to even mention.

Actually, because you are someone who takes a moment to read my blaarrgh, I will give you the scoop on that over here, because we’re sort of like a secret club, right? It’s Trish Paytas.
I’m so ashamed! Ugh, she’s awful! I love her! Now please, I ask of you, spare my dignity by sharing a shameful guilty pleasure of your own!