For years, I have been weaving these dark narratives, not through words, but through threads and textures. Long before this blog took root, hundreds of these shadowy ensembles emerged from my imagination. Now, I unveil a haunting selection, my favorites from a bygone era.

Time, however, has taken its toll. Many were born in a bygone era, crafted on a digital loom that now lies dormant (RIP Polyvore). The details may be lost, the textures a faded memory, but their essence remains–a testament to the enduring power and mystery of darkness. These are not simply “how to wear” guides. Each is an ode to a muse – a film noir heroine, a gothic poem, an eerie melody (or a blog post or a playlist, in which case those are all linked!) They compelled me to translate their whispers into the glamour and grandeur of fabric and form, an elusive language I do not pretend to understand but which I have forever been under its thrall.

So, step into this spectral showcase, and please enjoy these spooky lewks from yesterday. A love for the little black dress, or perhaps its grander, more dramatic evil queen ballgown cousin, is a must!


Miss Vampire 1970
It has always been winter
The nodes of the moon are mystical points
The Mystery of the Mysterious Headdress Lady (the mystery is actually solved a decade later)
Countess Wolfenbach is expecting you for tea…
Forever…and ever…


Business As Usual
It’s nothing, just a hanged man.


Your head wound will seem insignificant… when I am draining your blood into my bath!
An awkward moment in evolution
Had I known eternal life was so crappy, I would’ve opted out.


The Tragedy of Belladonna


The Unveiling
The sound of a thousand souls slipping under
Summoning the gloom
It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can’t see.
Almost nobody dances sober, unless they happen to be insane


Ritratto di Valentina
repents in thorns


And THAT’S for eating the last Hot Pocket!


Hanging with my cronies


Beetle Queen (feat. doll by Marina Bychkova)
Dream a little dream… (of nocturnal attacks and sleep paralysis)


Edwardian Beatdown


Echoes of Hearts Long Silenced (pt1) (feat. photo by |DbrDbr| on flicker)


Fairy godmother (feat. art by Virgil Finlay)




Let go of the past
I saw the moonlight shadows go creeping slow (featuring photo by Rocky Schenck)


May, Queen of Blossoms (feat. art by Ellen Rogers)


Margaret grew weary of cryptic complaints from the other side


Neither reflection nor shadow


O you who are illumined…!
Sins? I thought they were just bad habits!


So fast asleep they were, they were not able to wake up for a hundred years.


Some things, Millicent decided, were better left unseen.


The horror of life and the ecstasy of life


The shadows that stride from world to world (feat. art by Virgil Finlay)


this, that, and the other thing (v)
To what devil shall I pray? (feat. photo by Azzurra Piccardi)
Weird Tales- Portrait of a FL Showgirl
Will you come into my parlour? (featuring art by Kurt Komoda)


Yesterday I ate an angel.


You, too, can feel the joy and happiness of hating.

If you enjoy posts like these or if you have ever enjoyed or been inspired by something I have written, and you would like to support this blog, consider buying the author a coffee?

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Jonny says

These are so gorgeous! God we need to bring back the drop waist...

Anna H. says

I could stare at these forever; such a delightful collection.

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