Shapeshifter shawl available from Morph Knitwear

Today over at Dirge Magazine I discuss my own personal “yarnomancy”, and the ritual connectedness of crafting by hand with Morph Knitwear’s Angela Thornton.

Bad-Ass Knitting Magic: Angela Thornton of Morph Knitwear

One of my favorite pieces from Morph Knitwear is the huge, open knit Shapeshifter shawl. (And come to think of it, I probably should add that to my winter uniform!) Curious as to how one might style this wooly behemoth?  I’ve a few suggestions for you, below. As always, click on the image to find more details on the items within each ensemble.







Laugh all you like, but when I get cold, I get cold. My fingernails turn blue and my butt cheeks become ice cubes (even under layers!) right around this time of year, and …wait for it…it’s only about 60 degrees.

It’s true.  I am a total cold weather weenie.  I have no idea how I lasted as long as I did in New Jersey when there were actual winters with snow and ice and never-ending Februaries. Ugh! I don’t even like thinking about it.  It’s bad enough I still dream about it– about once a month or so, even though I have been back in Florida for four years now.

So when the temperatures dip into the arctic mid-50s, I cannot wear my go-to tee shirts and flip-flips, no way, no how.  I’d freeze to death!  I’ve developed a winter uniform that I pretty much wear every day starting this time of year…and the bonus is that it doesn’t even have a chance to get old, since our “winter” only lasts about a week!

1. Giant cotton kettle-dyed scarf from the Scarf Shop // 2. Babooshka Boutique asymmetric shirt dress // 3. floridxfauna skull fragment necklace // 4. HUE black leggings // 5. OVATE Valhalla hoodie (I think this is sold out, but they always seem to bring it back)

The leggings are the high-waisted kind with some sort of shaping, so they’ve got a tiny bit of structure to them and  it doesn’t feel like your flabby belly is flumping hither and yon under your pants. Which wouldn’t matter anyway because the tunic/tee dress is so gloriously voluminous.  In any event, they are very, very comfortable and I would highly recommend this brand to people who do not find leggings abhorrent. There are no shoes pictured because well, let’s be honest. Where am I wearing shoes? I work from home and wear socks and never go anywhere. Shoes would be a lie.

Not pictured is something that should have made my 2015 best of list, but I think I was a little bit too embarrassed to mention it.  I’ve been growing increasingly self-conscious about that bra-strap fat that oozes out and around my ladies’ support garments, so I’ve taken to wearing this wonderful thing.  I’m not even going to type the name out.  It’s too dumb.  Click on the link and you will see what I mean.  Despite the name though, I love it.  I purchased four of them last year and they are by far–seriously– the best thing anyone has ever made, and I wear them under just about everything.

winterperfumeIt is also winter perfume season!  Time to slather myself with all of the woodsy, mysterious resins and incenses!  Which most of these are, save for the Bergamoss, which is loamy and sweetly grassy and strangely enough there’s a weird bit of celery in there, too.  It’s a nice break between the heavy scents I tend to wear this time of year.

1. Aftelier Bergamoss // 2. House of Matriarch Black No. 1 // 3. Terveer Incense // 4. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Practical Occultism (Limited Edition but rumored to return).


If you were to look at me now, except for the occasional black dress (or, well — ok… A LOT of black dresses); you would never think, hey, that lady was a teenage goth. I’m fairly “normal” looking, whatever that means.  I guess I mean I don’t much look like someone who is or has ever been into any sort of alternative lifestyle.  Maybe if you spent some time talking with me without ever having seen me, you might begin to form some sort of goth-y impression due to various interests or whatever.  But I’m not.

I’m really not.

I don’t have many photos of myself as a teen, but in them you would see a healthy looking 14 or 15 or 16 year girl old with frizzled, fried blonde hair, wearing a lot of heavy metal tee shirts.  The hair was thanks to my mother; I don’t know why she wanted us blonde (“us”, for my sisters underwent the same surreal afternoon Sun-In treatments), but this resulted in a brassy mop and a lot of damaged, split ends.

The heavy metal tee shirts were black —  that just goes with the territory, I suppose.

I read a lot of horror back then, as I do now.  Ghost stories. Weird tales, tales of the unknown. That sort of thing. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t gravitate toward those stories.  Ever since I saw Scooby Doo encounter his first vampire, I recall being fascinated by these things.

I was a loner and didn’t have any friends, really. At least any friends of my own.  If our lunch periods intersected, I would eat with my sister and her friends, or my boyfriend at the time, but for the most part I was alone. I would hunt out a secluded corner (even if it meant on the floor, right next to the girl’s bathroom), settle in, pull out a book, and eat my lunch while no doubt getting crumbs in the pages.

While never actually a goth, I have always been a slob.

Back to the heavy metal music. It felt like at that time there was a division between people who listened to {Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Suicidal Tendencies} and those who listened to things like The Cure, or Depeche Mode.  As if you couldn’t listen to both, or all!  Well, that’s teenage-think for you, I guess.  I also remember thinking Morrissey was incredibly lame.  Confession: I still do.

Anyway, when people refer to me or my writing or whatever in any sort of goth-y way, I get really uncomfortable. I feel like a giant fraud.  I mean, I didn’t even listen to Disentegration until I was 35! (And to be honest, I really liked it.)  Maybe I am a late in life goth, I don’t know. Maybe I have a secret goth heart.

My secret goth heart looks like Holly Hobby, if she wore all black, by the way.

My secret goth heart loves cemetery strolls and melancholy piano tinklings and all poetry –even the “bad” stuff.  It loves thunderstorms and gloomy days and mossy castles and spooky tea parties and seances.  It loves gothic romance and horror novels and antiquated ghost stories and scary movies in dark houses.  It loves black lace and ruffles and sequins and dark florals and embellished bonnets and parasols. It loves dark art and darker music and the darkest humor.

20 years later it has still not unraveled the mystery of what makes Morrissey so great, though.

I need a word for I’m “really not goth at all but I am super into darkness”, just so I can set people straight.  If I’m going to be labeled, let’s figured this out.


map-1A Logarithmic Map of the Entire Known Universe created by musician Pablo Carlos Budassi


tumblr_inline_nwu56e1CLl1qf7w4f_500Chapter two of Katie Skelly’s My Pretty Vampire is up!


best-of-2015Headphone Commutes Best of 2015 lists are becoming available, one at a time.  For those who love: ambient, modern classical, field recording, experimental type sounds.


Pimped-PeepPunk Rock Squirrels and Peep-a-lopes: The Rogue Taxidermy Art of Sarina Brewer


ec-steiner-1024x461Emperor of Nightmares: The art of EC Steiner


isadoraduncan-SCREEN-e1450281835184Great Moments In Historical Sluttery: Isadora Duncan, The Ritual of Dance and Freedom


The Most Risqué Moments in Silent Cinema
68 fantastic names gathered while watching BBC credits
The bloodiest Shakespeare play: all 74 of the Bard’s on-stage deaths in one show
Essay on Claude Cahun from The Dead Ladies Project
A library’s quest to save the history of fandom
Hot Toddy Recipes to Scald the Mouths of Your Enemies
2016 Books SF/F Editors Want You to Read
Katamari Damacy for your iphone or android! 
PJ Harvey shares new album teaser
Support the dark and strange content you love over at Dirge Magazine’s Patreon page – and have a chance to win some really cool stuff! (Including goods from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, a favorite over here.)



I am so excited to be working with a talented group of friends and artists on a thrilling collaborative project that we hope to make available early this year.  My co-conspirator has begun releasing wee sneak peeks at some of the artwork included in our cooperative creative devil-baby so I thought I might follow suit and start generating some buzz (Beelze-buzz?) about the project!

I’m won’t say too much about it…I don’t want to spoil any surprises…but you’ve perhaps become aware of this adult coloring book/activity book trend, yes?  Maybe you are intrigued, sure, you love the idea of soothing zen activities and mindfulness and all that sort of thing, but well…you’ve not jumped in because you’re not exactly all sweetness and light, are you? And these cutesy, cornball books currently on the market aren’t quite geared toward your darker sensibilities, eerie aesthetics and esoteric interests, are they?

Be patient for just a little while longer, friends. In the meantime, collect your demon-summoning colored chalks… you’re about to find your Zen moment on the dark side…

Occult activity book art {artist: Becky Munich}
Occult activity book art {artist: Becky Munich}

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…and yet – something remains… from ghoulnextdoor on 8tracks Radio.

A new mix; some personal favorites from 2015. I meant to get this done yesterday. Ah, well…procrastinating right into the new year. Nothing’s changed.

Track list: Adolescence, Brown Bird | Witches, Vaginapocalypse | Buried Alive, Hannah Rosa | Darkening Bell, Emily Portman | Cardamom, Weyes Blood | Enchanter’s Nightshade, Eternal Tapestry | Cruel Henry, The Hare And The Moon | All The Land Ablaze, Laura Cannell | Hellebore, Julia Kent | Mirage, Drift | STILLBIRTH, Alice Glass | STONEFIST, HEALTH | Grey Days, Chelsea Wolfe | Black Butterfly, King Dude | From The Pinnacle To The Pit, Ghost B.C. | Den Lille Piges Død, Myrkur | Open Road, Christian Mistress | The Alchemist, Karyn Crisis | Come Wander with Me / Deliverance, Anna von Hausswolff | What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine | Album: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful | High By The Beach, Lana Del Rey | Prologue, Richard Moult | Apogee, Johanna Warren | Oracle, Paper Dollhouse | Tristesse Télescopique, Oskar Schuster

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1 Jan

Photo credit: Annie Stephens (not actually knit in 2015)

2015 was, I’m afraid, the year of several knitting failures.  At the tail end of 2014 I finished my most ambitious project to date, and for whatever reason, it’s been downhill ever since then.  Fearing I would never be able to surpass that glorious achievement, I should have begun ramping up my skill levels by practicing and mastering new techniques; instead, I slowed down and went back to basics. Back to the beginning. 2015 was the year of a lot of socks and scarves, with the occasional simple shawl or cowl thrown in to keep things interesting.


Pattern: Spiral Cowl. Mostly knit in Portland and the picot edging was a pain…but it was so lovely when finished.  Unfortunately this was lost in the mail and never reached it’s intended recipient.  Major sad face.



Bitteroot.  This pattern is an old friend, which I return to visit and re-work every few years. Sent to a lady who assures me she wears it as a personal talisman.



A basic entrelac scarf.  My first foray into entrelac knitting, which, as it turns out, is not so difficult.  Sent to a brilliant lady in the midwest who shares my intense love of perfumes.



Pattern: Boneyard shawl. Knit up with the remnants of some rustic yarn from Finland. Gifted to a generous, thoughtful woman who is also a cemetery ghost.



The pattern is Rose Red, but I’ve been calling it Strawberry Gothcake, because it looks like a little beret that Strawberry Shortcake’s gothiest gang member would wear.  Sent away to a witchy friend on the other side of the world.



I also forget the name of the pattern for this blurry cowl. (Edit: it’s Ilean)  Send away to the aforementioned perfumed lady.



Pattern: Hermione’s Everyday Socks. Sent away to a friend whose lovely hair reminded me of these mermaid colors.



Entrelac scarf, take two. Knitted for BGF, who was so taken with the first version and the plummy violet of the yarn.



Froot Loop socks in the most technicolor shade. Given away to an exquisite harpy who is half woman, half hair, all awesome.



I knit several pairs of these Dashing Mitts this year. One was lost in the black void along with the cowl above, one now keeps a friend up North safe and warm, and I have no idea wear the last pair ended up. Maybe I only knit two. Hm.



The Iris wrap, knit for a sweet lady whom I would love to join for tea and cocktails and foggy strolls one day.



The Lonely Tree shawl, which is now keeping my favorite deathly librarian warm.



The Steinerscarf, an actual requested knit, and a joy to make.


A simple lace wrap, Shine; the first thing I’ve made for myself in a very long time and the last thing I knit in 2015 – with two minutes to spare.

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I have a weird habit wherein every time I write something, I feel compelled to design an outfit around it. Obviously in the virtual sense – my wallet could not possibly withstand this peculiar compulsion!

Below are 15 (okay, it’s actually probably more like 20-30) ensembles created in 2015, including links back to the articles, essays, or ramblings that inspired their creation. As always, click through the image to find details on the items included.

15 things I did in 2015




15 things I wrote in 2015




15 things I liked in 2015



Merry Hexmas to you!




The New Faces of Death






Alchemical Catharsis



Queen of Hearts



Travel Journals: Portland


Feral Mysticism


Terrible, tragic beauty

but I brought you flowers!


les neiges d’antan



Darkly Dreaming



Krampusnacht 2015



Perfume of the Dead


Hag Couture



Summer scents for those who shun the sun



wind & stone, fire & bone


The Scent of Evil



Vögguvísa, or: There is much that darkness knows

tumblr_o06bogGYbR1qaivtro1_540 (1)





29 Dec

The Pilgrim’s Rest in Burma, circa 1900: A female Victorian traveler looks out with a telescope

This year saw a great deal of activity for me.  I suppose maybe I was trying to fit in everything I could during the last year of my 30s?  Well, that’s not quite true.  Some of these things were not adventures I had planned on, or even wanted.

Either way, I’ve come a long way from that 35 year old woman living in New Jersey, holed up in my terribly insulated house, missing my family, afraid to go anywhere or do anything, and just…stagnating. To the point of stagnation, as one of my sisters would say.


In 2015 I hosted two Death Cafes: one in February and one in November.  The earlier one was covered by a local newspaper who had interviewed me beforehand and who were there on site during the event.  The second one was a little less nerve-wracking. Both were illuminating, enlightening experiences, and as with every Death Cafe I’ve hosted, I have walked away with wonderful new ideas and lovely new friends.



In 2015 I saw the Acrocats! Which was weird and fun and I would totally recommend it to a friend, unless you have terrible cat allergies.



In 2015, my sister, her husband, my man and I took a wee roadtrip to Atlanta, where we stayed for the weekend and saw the Decemberists perform. It was, I maintain, one of the best shows of my life.



In 2015 I visited Portland (read part I and part II) for the second time.  Portland, OR has become one of our favorite cities, and this time we explored along with a group of friends. Food  – so much food -was consumed, sights were seen, monsters were vanquished! (We spent a day indoors playing D&D. As you do when there’s a whole city outside just begging to be seen.)



In 2015 I traveled to NJ & NY for work and didn’t die of sadness. I’ll most likely be working for this company for awhile (I’ve already been here for 10 years), so I am sure this won’t be the last time I will make this trip. I also had my first drink alone in an airport bar while reading a really dumb book for which I overpaid because I was desperate for reading material.



Traveled to DC for a whirlwind weekend trip of museums and dumplings and German food and impromptu Santa conventions.  Immediately afterward, I traveled to Naples, FL for more work related stuff… but despite the anxiety from hobnobbing with super posh people, it was an interesting trip.  I rented a car and drove around a city by myself (granted, it’s a small city with lots of parking and super easy streets) had my first-ever visit with a massage therapist, and I visited a museum that had a fantastic Halston and Saint Laurent exhibit.



Met several someones! I have gotten to know so many people via the internet – you know, via the usual suspects -tumblr, instagram, twitter, facebook.  Every once in a while now, I actually meet these folks!  In Portland I met up with two amazing ladies for art and cocktails; later I met with a wonderfully special person whom I absolutely adore for tiki drinks. This past October I met up with a woman with whom I’ve been talking for years, she attended the Ghost show with us (which was the second best show I’ve ever seen), and she even sat through a later night viewing of Hedwig and the Angry Inch with us!  I met a fellow writer for coffee locally and we exchanged holiday DIY boozes, and most recently I met with one of my Death Cafe ladies for coffee and a chat.

I don’t know if that last one technically counts, since I already met her in person, like, three times, but hey – this is a big deal for me.  I am going out and doing things! WITH PEOPLE! And I didn’t freak out about it and I didn’t flake out at the last minute.  This is huge progress for me. This is one of the most important things I have been wanting to do for myself. This is huge.

Austin people! New York people!  San Francisco people! You just watch out – I’m going to want to meet with you all soon, too.


Made a lemon meringue pieRead 54 books / Watched Crimson Peak /Got my head shrunk and benefited from it a little bit / Saw Heathers the musical / Mourned the loss of my grandfather / dressed like an adult / started waking up for 5am walks / got new glasses / started wearing lipstick more often / embraced my inner flying squirrel / hoarded yarn / wore some crazy dresses / wrote a lot

What about you? What did you do/think/see/accomplish in 2015?


28 Dec

Image: Erté, bookplate
Image: Erté, bookplate


This was a year for some interesting opportunities and I am honored to have contributed to the following blogs/websites/publications. Thank you for having me, folks!

Death and the Maiden

Perfume of the Dead

Death Has a Voice

Heretical Sexts

Witch Women


Summer Scents For Those Who Shun the Sun

Haute Macabre

Drama Queen & Cultist of Personal Beauty: Virginia Oldini
Darkly Dreaming, part one
Darkly Dreaming, part two
Darkly Dreaming, part three

Dirge Magazine

The News Faces Of Death part one: Sarah Troop
The News Faces Of Death part two: Bess Lovejoy
The News Faces Of Death part three: Amber Carvaly
The News Faces Of Death part four: Megan Rosenbloom
The News Faces Of Death part five: Carla Valentine
Alchemical Catharsis: The Art of Alice Rogers
Emperor of Nightmares: EC Steiner
Bill Crisafi: Artist, Dreamer, Feral Mystic
* spot reserved for a thing I am excited about but which has not been published*

As a bonus, here are some of my favorite things that I wrote for my own blog this year…!

Making things weird: an interview with Tenebrous Kate
There is much that darkness knows
Hairy goat peen & other delights
On thick skin
Caftan Party Paradise

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